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1 20 of 100
Всем приветик) Мне 32. Ищу молодого любовника. Телега @Olud1993
1 20 of 100
1 20 of 100
без фото не общаюсь!!! ХОЧУ ВИП! В друзья после подарка!
1 20 of 100
Мы пара МЖ
1 20 of 100
Ничто так не украшает мужчину, как идущая рядом Я!
1 20 of 100
1 20 of 100
Люблю грубо(замужем)
1 20 of 100


Dorian 49 yo
Astrological sign:
I am looking for a
  • Woman
  • Couple
  • Couple F+F
Preferred age
from 25 to 48 yo
Interested in
  • Friendship and chat
  • Regular sex partner
  • Group Sex
  • Photo and video exchange
  • Swinger sex
Marital status
Prefer not to say
Material support
Not looking for a sponsor and not willing to become one
Medium stable earnings
Own automobile
  • English
I'm shy, very shy. And I think rather boring, to some not all. I guess I just have my own thing that some women don't find interesting, and that's ok. I'm into geeky things, I'm sure there are others like me out there. But given that, I have always had a very high interest in sexual activities. There are things I want to try that I not so much lust after, but rather desire to experience. I just never had the courage to act on it, even when I had more than an opportunity to do so. Putting myself in positions for events to happen but not going through. I think mostly cause I was afraid of what people would think. I'm looking for a relationship, or intimate partner. But having friends to share with is I would like to enjoy. If that becomes a FWB type open "relationship", then that's I could be OK with. But ultimately, I'm wanting to be more open, free and positive with my sexual interest and experiences.

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Viva The King of Sex

Enemig0 29

Rules 04:07:56

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