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виртуалы не интересны. Ищу любовника с мат поддержкой
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обожаю горячие фантазии..
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прочитайте перед тем как писать =) всем спасибо
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Подарите кредитов для поднятия в топ;) Аукцион трусиков с авы в моем ТГК - @specialgirl224
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andrey144444 Detailed profile

andrey144444 37 yo

Personal information

Prefer not to say
Prefer not to say
Do you have children?
Prefer not to say
Priorities in life
Not specified

Sexual preferences

My turn-ons
Not specified
How frequently would you like to have sex?
Prefer not to say
I accept in sex
Not specified
Safe sex
Prefer not to say

Bad habits

Prefer not to say
Prefer not to say
Prefer not to say

Physical information

0 cm
Body type
Prefer not to say
Eye color
Prefer not to say
Penis size
Prefer not to say
Prefer not to say
Hair color
Prefer not to say
Hair length
Prefer not to say
Glasses, contact lenses
Prefer not to say
Not specified

Viva The King of Sex

Rules 01:09:00