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LoverTrah Self-portrait

Виктор 30 yo


Your favorite sex positions
What is the most unusual sexual experience you have had?
ебля в туалете кинотеатра
Your top sexual fantasy
поебаться в самолёте
Does your offline relationship lack anything?
Music, movies, books and other arts you enjoy
русская порнуха
Countries you have been to, Countries you would like to visit.
пока нигде не был, но хотел бы побывать в европейских странах
What do you do in your spare time?
футбол и ебля
What qualities in men and women do you find most important?
в женщинах - страсть и подчинение
What hobbies do you have?
много чем
The greatest disappointment and the greatest joy in your life
трудно ответить

Viva The King of Sex

mxa1228 23

Rules 00:01:37