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04.02.23 13:52
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Пишите мне по почте в поисках серьезных отношений с открытым разумом и сексуальностью mail-hugodiego_1972@hotmail.com

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Общение исключительно с милыми кисками.Мужчины не интерисуют ВООБЩЕ...
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Извращения — это лыжи в мае, все остальное дело вкуса. Вкус же не аппетит.

HugoDiego1972 Self-portrait

Hugo Diego 52 yo


Your favorite sex positions
I do not have one in particular, which gives more pleasure to both
What is the most unusual sexual experience you have had?
Not specified
Your top sexual fantasy
My greatest fantasy and desire, is to have two women between 20 and 30 years old who, being friends or sisters, decided to live together and share, also to experience anal sex.
Fantasia 2 is having 2 former porn actresses living with me reliving scenes already filmed

Моя самая большая фантазия и желание - иметь двух женщин в возрасте от 20 до 30 лет, которые, будучи друзьями или сестрами, решили жить вместе и делиться друг с другом, а также заниматься анальным сексом.
Fantasia 2 это бывшие порно актрис есть 2 жизни со мной переживая сцены уже сняты
Does your offline relationship lack anything?
У меня нет офлайн отношений, я только в виртуале и в реале
I have no offline relationship, I am only in the virtual and in the real
Music, movies, books and other arts you enjoy
fishing - cycling - walking - attend the theater to see concerts of classical music - cooking lemon chicken specialty, roast basic knowledge of an Argentine - if I get a couple learn to dance tango other hobbies restore upholstered chair some maintenance housing, watch movies of action, thrillers, fantasy, science fiction,Favorite Female Singers: Gloria Estefan, Anna Netrebko, Sarah Brightman, Favorite male singers: Placido Domingo, Julio Sosa, Juan Rodo Favorite Music Groups: String Quartet Bond Favorite Directors: Placido Domingo Gustavo Dudamel Favorite Music: Classical, Opera, Tango and Argentine Folklore Favorite actresses: Angelina Jolie, Milla Jovovich, Megan Fox, Scarlett Johansson, Olivia Wilde, Mila Kunis .- Soloist of viola symphonic orchestra in formation of art school W.A. Mozart - First violin art school Adela Ponce de Bosshardt
Countries you have been to, Countries you would like to visit.
Countries that I would like to visit islands of the Caribbean that make up Eastern Europe, Germany, and others
What do you do in your spare time?
MY FREE TIME: I'm in my workshop building or repairing things in the house.- I go for a walk or ride a bike, I'm not one of those who loses 90 minutes watching a sports match like football or other sport, eventually I watch some sports summary, I prefer to see some concert of classical music or an opera, drink coffee somewhere.
What qualities in men and women do you find most important?
I do not see anything wrong in wanting a woman of open and liberal sex, I do not want a stereotype. Studied music Instruments violin and Viola singing baritone record or middle male voice Electrician work I am looking for a partner with affinity to porn and sex or a good friendship with who openly sex for this site or for private
What hobbies do you have?
Отдых на природе, катание на горных велосипедах, ходьба.
Camping, mountain biking, walking.- Camping, mountain biking, walking.-
The greatest disappointment and the greatest joy in your life
Deception of my girlfriend before marriage

Обман моей девушки до свадьбы

Viva The King of Sex

mxa1228 23

Rules 02:27:25

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